Monday, December 1, 2014

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Although I tried my very hardest, I could not plan for what happened at 5:00AM on December 1st. 

The night before, I enjoyed margaritas with my neighbor, picked up my boyfriend from the airport - sigh - and ended up alone. I confirmed my 5:30AM pick up with my neighbor, my 3 day stay at her home, and went to bed. 

5:00AM. My neighbor's boyfriend was rushed to the hospital. 
5:15AM. A call to my boyfriend, sobbing, asking for his help. 
5:30AM. My boyfriend arrived, saved the day, but could not stay during the surgery. He had 2 exams that could not be postponed. 
6:00AM. I call my sister, my mentor, my mom, etc. trying to find someone to come and stay with me. Tears were flowing like the Guadalupe River. No one was able to come. 
6:10AM. My boyfriend said he would just stay; I was more important than his exams. 

Now let me pause and say that this seems like common sense to most of you; but honestly, I wasn't sure whether I was more important than his exams. We're in that relationship phase where the newness has worn off and it begins to storm - with periods of lightening. Therefore, I was not really certain that I was more important than his exams, you know. He doesn't love me... yet...

I was wheeled back into the pre-operative room, signed a lot of papers, got weighed (109lbs, yay!), and got the IV poke. 

Drip, drip, drip... all went dark. 

I woke up 3 hours later to bandaged feet and a smiling operative team. It was over.

After about 20 minutes, I was wheeled out of the surgical center with prescriptions and ice packs... and ... I COULD WALK. With no pain, I could stand on my heels and walk. I was instructed to do so only one hour, collectively, each day. 

For the last 6 hours, I have been sitting in my recliner with my feet up. I have probably exceeded the 1 hour limit... so we will see what tomorrow brings. 

My anesthesia has not worn off yet, but I started taking my pain pills. I read, and heard from those that have had foot surgery, that it is of the utmost importance take the medication every 4 hours for the first 4 days. 

We shall see what tomorrow brings. 

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